Monday, December 12, 2016

A Gift for the Hackers Documentary Film

A Gift for the Hackers Documentary Film


A Gift for the Hackers is a documentary film that focuses on the lack of internet security. The film starts off with a question: "Increasingly devices like printers and scanners are being connected directly to the Internet. Its all very convenient, but is it safe?"

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"Is this your pin? Is this a letter you received from your bank? Do you have a HP e-Print scanner?" The young man answers yes to every question, stunned that all of his information was accessible on the internet for anyone who wanted to see it. And hes not alone: the wealth of information available is staggering. 

From shop owners whose security cameras can be watched and controlled remotely, to medical records and confidential documents for international companies like Unilever, Orange and KLM, its a bonanza for any would-be hackers. 

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While it would be simple for the IT firms who provide printers, scanners and software to make the system more secure, they dont see it as their problem and argue that attending to basic safety protocols is a bit of a marketing nightmare. "There are people who know all about how this works, security-wise, but its too much trouble to explain all that." One company went so far as to call consumers who didnt know they had to change their passwords "idiots". As the rate of technological change continues at a frightening pace, do technology companies have a duty to prevent our privacy being eroded?

Watch the full movie:

Also check out more videos:
  • In the Realm of the Hackers (Documentary Film)
  • Freedom Downtime (Documentary Film)
  • TPB AFK: The Pirate Bay Away from Keyboard (Documentary Film)
  • In Search of The Most Dangerous Town On the Internet (Documentary Film)
  • Notorious Ex-Hacker Kevin Mitnick Hacks Fiber, Reads Email
  • All Your Devices Can Be Hacked

Available link for download