Monday, January 30, 2017

5 Reasons why you have Neva made It As A Blogger Yet

5 Reasons why you have Neva made It As A Blogger Yet

Image result for making it as a blogger

Hello Pals
Sorry I have not bin posting solutions regularly but am back for all of you with more solutions and 2016 latest Tricks.

Image result for making it as a bloggerBlogging has become a major source of income to many, thanks to the evolution of social media and the successful bloggers from whom many have become enticed.

Before, you’ll hear people say you should do it for the passion, but in  recent times, while a few still say it, many have given up on that idea. Most bloggers are now into it for the money. lol :)

While a lot do it for the money, many are towing the wrong path, expecting to get the right results, which is an aberration.

Even if you have Adsense account and your blog is relatively new, there is a high possibility that your ads account would be frustrating, due to the fact that your traffic is low, you don’t have loyal readers yet etc. but after reading this post, I believe your eyes would be open to why you are not earning yet.

Without further ado, lets get into why you are where you are as a blogger.

1. You are in the wrong Niche

If you are not in a niche where you are having fun, there is a high possibility you would fail (sorry to say).

If you came into blogging because of one famous entertainment blogger, consequently you named your blog “naijathis and naijathat”, with time, you’ll realize you are not enjoying yourself if youve got no passion for entertainment blogging.

Blogging is lucrative when you enjoy doing it, this way, you’ll be creative to generate ideas that would yield profit.

All you need to do, is to find something you love doing. No niche is bad. Some might look more profitable than others but if you are enjoying it,you’ll get people to like you and in no time, you’ll have made yourself an authority and a trail blazer.

Your niche should be one you can easily perform even when you are half asleep. When you find that area, never let it go.

2. You lack resources

I hear some people say they don’t have a laptop to blog with, they don’t have a modem with which to connect, they lack finance to subscribe etc…

With these excuses, how do you want to outshine one who is always online?

I wanted to give a guy a job to work for my client, since I won’t be available. To my surprise, he asked me to tell my client to pay him upfront so as to enable him buy data.  I found that ridiculous but I still cared and wanted to help. So, I obliged but my client refused and we ultimately gave it to somebody else.

How do you handle running out of data and abandon your blog for another 3 weeks because you do not have data. If you need a laptop, smart phone or any tool to help you blog right, do get it.


Get a job.

Its more effective blogging if you have a job that funds your blog before you start making the profits’.

3. Zero, Poor or Wrong Publicity Method 

If you blog and don’t publicize, then I wonder who would read your posts.

Entertainment bloggers tend to spam Facebook groups, but that’s not easy or adviceable for niche bloggers because the traffic won’t be targeted.

So publicity is very pertinent, but the method of publicity is very crucial too because you need to take your contents to a market were it’s needed. Imagine publicizing an agric blog to a mobile phone and tech community. You’d lose cash, waste precious time and be frustrated ultimately.

SOLUTION: Identify the particular market where your content is needed; don’t just start an ad because your friends are doing it, understand the need of your readers and meet it.

4. You’re following the crowd

If you came into blogging because of someone who made a lot of money, you are likely to do this because you will follow his rules and his rules alone.

However, the very first rule of blogging is that “Blogging has no rule”. Stop following peoples template and find what works for you. Your style should be your style.

I’m not saying you shouldn’t adopt people’s style, but you should make sure they are working for you, once they don’t, forget them, there is no rule to blogging.

Develop your style and don’t religiously follow their style because again there is no law.

5. You are not rendering services

I have said this time and again; I’ve made more money rendering blog services than I have from ads.

I get paid from what firms would call consultation (I don’t call it that yet) people contact me and ask me to tell them how I do things, I get paid designing blogs, adding some codes to templates, domain registering and setting up, and many other services and these requests come in so frequently that they give me tough time updating my own blog.

If you are not rendering services then you are losing a lot. Create a page on your blog telling your readers services you render and, post on twitter and on your Facebook wall services you can render and you will start getting requests in no time.

It can be anything, you can offer to update blogs for people ( 15 posts at $50 for 5 blogs would give you $250) and that is cool money for a start, and the interesting part is that you can use the same content(if it is an entertainment blog) for your own blog with only little  or no changes.

You can do a lot of things, just be creative and see the cash start trickling in. To Your Success.

Over to you,

What are the little things you do that bring income?

What are the things you used to do that you later found out you shouldn’t or should have started earlier.

Share with us using the comment area below.

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5 Ways To Modify Your Adsense Earnings

5 Ways To Modify Your Adsense Earnings

.If webmasters require to legitimize their websites, the high way to do it is finished Adsense. There are lots of webmasters struggling calculative to earn whatsoever bully money a day through their sites. But then whatever of the "geniuses" of them are enjoying hundreds of dollars a day from Adsense ads on their websites. What makes these webmasters antithetic from the different kindly is that they are antithetical and they consider out of the box.

The ones who acquire been there and through it love quite whatever expedient tips to exploit those who would essential to proceed into this land. Some of these tips eff boosted quite a lot of earnings in the bypast and is continuously doing so.

Here are whatsoever 5 proven slipway on how optimum to change your Adsense earnings.

1. Concentrating on one dissever of Adsense ad. The one separate that worked intimately for the figure is the Astronomic Rectangle (336X280). This homophonic initialise tally the disposition to finish in higher CTR, or the click-through rates. Why choose this dissever out of the more you can use? Essentially because the ads leave look same average web course, and grouping, being victimized to clicking on them, depression these types of links. They may or may not pair they are clicking on your Adsense but as agelong as there are clicks, then it module all be for your advantage.

2. Make a tailored scope for your ads. Take a colourize that will go fountainhead with the noise of your site. If your tract has a pedagogue scene, try to use river as the emblazon of your ad confine and desktop. The tune to patterning the flag is to pass the Adsense see like it is leave of the web pages. Again, This will finish to statesman clicks from group visiting your parcel the Adsense from the round pages of your tract and put them at the top. Do not try to pelt your Adsense. Put them in the localise where fill can see them apace. You faculty be stunned how the number between Adsense locations can play when you see your earnings.

4. Enter course to material websites. If you reckon whatever sites are modify off than the others, put your ads there and try to maintaining and managing them. If there is already lots of Adsense put into that predestined computer, put yours on top of all of them. That way visitor testament see your ads prime upon feeding into that parcel.

5. Try to automate the content of your Adsense write into the webpages using SSI (or computer root included). Ask your web executive if your computer supports SSI or not. How do you do it? Retributory save your Adsense encrypt in a matter record, forbid it as "adsense text", and upload it to the stabilise directory of the web computer. Then using SSI, meet the inscribe on opposite pages. This tip is a term saver especially for those who are using automatonlike diplomatist generators to generate pages on their website.

These are some of the tips that bang worked asymptomatic for whatever who deprivation to generate hundreds and plane thousands on their websites.  It is essential to copulate tho that ads are displayed because it fits the pertain of the grouping vigil them. So concentration on a fact message should be your first end because the displays module be especially targeted on a content that persons testament be viewing already.

Annotation also that there are numerous different Adsense sharing the same topic as you. It is optimal to expect of making a worthy ad that testament be somewhat antithetic and uncomparable than the ones already through. Every clickthrough that visitors pass is a saucer for you so hit every sound sort by making your Adsense something that group will definitely utter on.

Tips acknowledged by those who human boosted their earnings are just guidelines they necessity to get with others. If they hump someway worked wonders to whatsoever, maybe it can wreak wonders for you too. Try them out into your ads and see the outcome it faculty transfer.

If others jazz through it, there is zilch wrongheaded disagreeable it out for yourself

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Sunday, January 29, 2017

5 best websites to download full PC games for free

5 best websites to download full PC games for free

There are tons of website on the web, which offers free download of different varieties of PC games for the public, some of this sites upload premium games for free, full HD movie games, with description for users,  but the problem is this, due to the fact that most PC games are very large in size, the web masters tend to compress the game files to different formats, either by breaking them to separate folders, or uploading demo or trial versions, sometimes during this optimizations, the game might get  corrupted, however a list of 5 trusted website which offers best PC games for free, has been dished out for you to check and see for yourself the highest rated games ever.
The first on the list is


This is one of the best websites available for free download games for pc full version.This website has a list of the games, options for downloads of these games, game reviews and another plethora of options that you can find on the website. Enjoy finding your favourite games and downloading them for free from this website.

2 caiman.uus is one of the best pc game download sites. Another site to explore a huge collection of games that are available for a free download on your PC. Visit this site and enjoy downloading the best free games.


This is a one of its kind website for pc games free download full version. It has a collection of games that are not only the most popular ones, but also games that are largely overlooked by gamers however possessing great gaming qualities to enjoy the play.With the reviews available to make these games enjoy their 15 minutes of fame, this site makes a one of a kind impression to its users. Along with that is a plethora of genres available: action, adventure, casual, first person shooter, musical, games for women, role play games, racing etc

A website for free download games for pc full version, provides various best PC games, ranging from Action games,Strategic games, Logic games, Adventure games, Racing games and various Sports games. Explore from this wide variety of games available to download them free of cost.

Gamer Sky, no doubt it is one of thebest site for pc games free download full version. Every paid game exclude the online games is being pirated here in this Chinese website. This is one of the largest pirated website in the world provide games for pc free download full version. You can use google translate to surf this website with the English version of it.

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6 Game action dengan kategori 17

6 Game action dengan kategori 17

Walaupun tidak sebanyak pada bulan Maret lalu, namun setidaknya ada 5 game menarik yang diperkirakan segera dirilis di bulan April ini.
Baca selengkapnya »

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5 Jogos de PC que vão fazer você relembrar o seu passado!

5 Jogos de PC que vão fazer você relembrar o seu passado!

Lembranças são uma herança que podemos guardar pra todo um sempre na memória e desfrutar desse bem sempre que possível. Sempre que lembramos da nossa infância, pensamos nos melhores momentos, é claro, quem teve uma infância Gamer e pode desfrutar de algum dos jogos que trouxemos neste artigo, terá uma nostalgia sem fim, para os que viveram de forma intensa, podemos alertar sobre um alto risco de orgasmo mental até o fim deste artigo.
A ideia desse post é relembrar de jogos que decorreram do ano 2000 e que fizeram muito sucesso nas Lan House e até mesmo em casa, mas acredito que quem pode viver os jogos abaixo nas Lan House ou em rede com os amigos tenha vivido um dos melhores momento de suas vidas!
Veja a baixo os jogos que marcaram nossa infância no mundo dos computadores:

Atenção! A ordem em que os jogos são exibidos neste artigo não os classificam de forma alguma.

1 - Counter-Strike

Abrir este artigo com um clássico como este é mais que uma honra, quem não se lembra das partidas emocionantes de CS 1.6? Um dos jogos de FPS mais jogados de todos os tempos, e se você meu caro leitor, não vivenciou este game incrível, sinto em informa-lo, você perdeu parte da sua infância! As partidas duravam alguns instantes nas lan houses ou até mesmo em casa contra bots ou partidas online, mas era pequenas rodadas de emoções e tensão a cada instante. 
Os mapas mais jogados sem dúvidas eram: Fy_Poolday, De_Dust, De_Aztec entre outras. Você se lembra? Não esqueça ao fim deste post de comentar sobre esse jogo!

2 - Gunbound

Quem não se lembra dos veículos dotados de armas especiais que exigiam de você uma incrível habilidade de calculo entre distância e a posição do vento? Sem dúvidas Gunbound já deve ter feito parte do seu computador, ou pelo menos já deve ter visto o seu vizinho jogando e tentando acertar tiros nos inimigos. Este jogo foi por durante tempos um dos jogos mais jogados do Brasil!

3 - Mu Online

Mu Online ainda é um jogo muito jogado pelos jovens de hoje em dia, mas particularmente tenho visto as atualizações e os servers piratas de hoje em dia e dizer: "- Não se faz mas Mu como antigamente."
Mas como não estamos aqui para criticar e sim pra relembrar, você deve se lembrar e muito bem dos bons temos desse MMORPG que marcou história.

4 - Warcraft: Dota

Uma partidinha de Dota por favor? Cara, o que falar desse jogo? Quem jogou partidas de Wacraft: Dota sabe do que estou falando, era um dos jogos que mais lotavam as lan house da minha cidade. O jogo ganhou novas versões, mas parar no tempo atual e olhar para trás e relembrar esse fenômeno não tem preço.

5 - Ragnarok Online

Com certeza Ragnarok foi um dos jogos que também recheou muitas Lan no Brasil inteiro, o jogo possuía gráficos bem atraente e uma jogabilidade ótima, se você foi um jogador desse MMORPG com certeza viveu uma ótima época.

É claro que teve muitos outros jogos, eu apenas selecionei alguns dos que considero muito importante para a época.


Outros jogos que com certeza fizeram parte da sua lembrança pode está na pequena lista abaixo que fiz como bônus de lembrança, lembrando que estou listando apenas jogos da plataforma Computador.

Segue uma lista bônus! Não esqueça de comentar o seu jogo favorito que marcou a sua infância!

Diablo, Tíbia, Need For Speed, Grand Theft Auto III, Vice City e San Andreas, S.W.A.T, Age of Empire, Age of Mythology, Call of Duty, Medal of Honor, MTX Mototrax e muitos outros! 

Gostou de relembrar? Curta, comente e compartilhe! Faça parte deste site!

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5 Simple and Effective Business Plan For Bloggers

5 Simple and Effective Business Plan For Bloggers

Of course blogging is a business, and every business need an effective plan. Whatever is the nature of the business, that doesn’t matter but there should be a plan. Business Plan describes the current status of an existing business and provide guidance for future forecasting. Thinking about the Past will not make your blogging business successful, if you want to establish your business then you must think about the future. As said by a well know author “You can never plan the future by the past”, so keep in mind this popular Quote and start an effective business plan for your blog.

Business Plan For Bloggers

Effective Business Plan for Bloggers

1. Mission

The first thing you should ask from your self is that what is your mission. What exactly you want to achieve, and what are the available resources that can help you in achieving your goal.

As a blogger your goal is ‘Profit OR Earnings” and for that you must first think about your Vision. You should know about your readers, their nature and there needs. If you fail you might be heart-broken, but if you never tried you are doomed.

2. Brand Name

Branding your business is the most effective step in a business plan. For example just look at to the brand name of this blog that is “Solvelogger“, now this is what you must think about. First brand your blog with a name so that your readers can use your brand name as your reference.

3. Goals and Objectives

Of course your goal is to earn as much as you can, and establish your brand name just like “Solvelogger“. You will not make money, if you fail to divide your goal into objectives. Find all the available platforms that can help you in your blog promotion. Divide time for every objective, For example Posting Time, Promoting Time, Correction Time etc and then Resource Allocation that is which platform you should use first for your blog promotion etc.

4. SWOT Analysis

This is one of the most important step for a business. As a blogger you must point out S= Strength, W= Weaknesses, O= Opportunities and T= Threats related to your blog.

Strength:- If you think you have a particular ability and you are expert in that, then this is your strength. This will give you a brand name in that field.

Weaknesses:- If you think you are weak in any area, then try to over come on your weaknesses. In this way you will get extra benefits and you will be able to utilize all your expertise.

Opportunities:- If some one is giving you free domain or hosting, articles, advertisement package etc that is opportunity for you. OR if you thing there is some thing available for your which can help you in your business, then point out all those ways.

Threats:- If a business has more competitors, need more struggle and you want to compete with that business. There are the threats for you. If there are some threats for you if you start a “Blog” on a topic, then don’t go for that. Point out all the threats and then make a decision.

5. Financial Plan

Without finance no one can start and promote a business. During developing a business plan (For Blog) you should thing about your budget. If you start your blog with a cheap Web Hosting then it will not be effective for your blog. Starting a blog with reputable Web hosting like bluehost will give you a lot of benefits. All such decision are only possible when your budget is high and you are in position to afford high quality services for your blog. Effective Business Plan depends on your budget, the high budget will give you more effective business plan for your blog.

In the end, if you wish to make a living out of your Blog or want to see your blog at the next level, a business plan for your blog is what you need. For your success!

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5 Ways to Fix your Google Play Store Error

5 Ways to Fix your Google Play Store Error

Recently While Downloading Asphalt game on my Smartphone I got an Error 498 in Google Play Store. To be Exact, the Error Reads “Error 498 has occurred while communicating with the server“. I Tried again but the Same Error Again. After Few Tweaks i was finally able to download and Install  Asphalt on my Phone.
Because i Faced this error in Google Play store, i though there will be many other people facing the same error and so this Guide on how to Fix Error 498 in Gooogle Play store. Here on this Page i will be sharing few Methods that will help you to get rid of it.
Though a single Method will not work for all because this error is caused because of many factors which i will discuss below. So i will be listing 5 Possible Ways to Get rid of Google Play Error 498.

Causes of Error 498 in Play store

There are Few things that causes this Error on your Smartphone while you try to download any app from Google Play store.
  • The Most common issue is the Size of Device’s Cache Partition. You will get Error 498 if you try to download apps that are larger in size then your Device’s Cache partition.For Eg: Your Cache partition is of 30M and you try to download an app with Size 35M then you might get this error. Usually Play store have issues when downloading apps that are large in size.
Google Play Store Error 498
  • Another Reason is Google Servers from where you are trying to download the apps might be under maintenance. So if you are downloading an App and you get Play store erro 498 message then Server may be the issue. Just wait and try to download it again.
So these were just Couple of Possible Reasons for a User to get this Error in Google Play store, Now let us see Some Possible Ways to Fix it.

5 Ways to Fix Google Play store Error 498

Method 1: Clearing Cache

Most Common issue to get Error 498 is the Cache so i will start the Methods list by Recommending you to Clearing the Cache.
To do So, Just navigate to Settings > Applications > Manage Applications > Select Google Play store > Clear Data & Clear Cache.
Now Try and download the App if Cache was the problem and clearing it solved the Issue for you.  One more reason of listing this method on top is this worked for me and i was able to download the game easily after clearing the Cache. Though the Solution for all might not be the same so try below methods too.

Method 2: Use Wifi to Download.

Many a times your Internet Service Provider(ISP) Creates this Problem of Error 498 and many other Errors. so Try and get access to Wifi somehow and try to download the app thats giving you the Error.

Method 3: Adding New Play Store account.

You will need to Add a new Play store account inorder to fix this Error. Go to Settings > Accounts > Add New Account > Click on Google > Next > Enter email > Done.
After setting up new Play store account try to download the same app and see if this have Solved your Problem.

Method 4: Connecting with Computer:

One of my Friend reported that he fixed Error 498 by installing apps from Computer to Smartphone. You just need to connect your Smartphone to Computer Using USB Cable. then goto Google Play Store using your Favourite Browser on your Computer. Then Search for the App which was getting error on your Smartphone.
Click on the Preferred Result that you get, next On the App page you will see Install button. Click it to Download that app On your Smartphone. No it will not Install on your Computer. it will Install on your Smartphone. Just make sure your Smartphone is Connected or else you will not See Install Button.

Method 5: Uninstall & reinstall Google Play store:

If your Phone is Rooted then You might just want to Uninstall and Then Reinstall Google Play store so that to make sure that you actually get rid of Error 498 in Google Play Store. If any of the above Listed methods don’t work for you then go for this one and you will fix it for sure.
So these were 5 Methods to Fix Error 498 In Play Store. I hope this helps you to get rid of this error and you can again download your favourite app from play store just like before.
If these Helps then please don’t forget to spend few seconds and Comment below which Method solved the Issue for you. Or If you have any other way to get rid of this error message in play store then feel free to share it in Comments below.

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Saturday, January 28, 2017

About Chelsea FC

About Chelsea FC


Chelsea Football Club is an English football club based in Fulham, London. Chelsea was founded in 1905 and is now competing in the Premier League. Throughout the history of appearances in the world of football in the UK and Europe, the club has won four Premier League titles, seven FA Cups, four League Cups, one UEFA Champions League trophy, two UEFA Cup Winners Cup and the UEFA Super Cup. Their home stadium Stamford Bridge, with a capacity of 41 837 spectator seats, has been used as a home stadium since Chelsea was founded. Since 2003, Chelsea is owned by Roman Abramovich a Russian billionaire.
The first successes when Chelsea won the league title in 1955. Some titles from various competitions also were achieved in the decade of the 1960s, 1970s, 1990s, and 2000s. In the last fifteen years period is the best period of success Chelsea; were closed for the first time won the Double winners, Premier League and FA Cup in 2010 and the UEFA Champions League title in 2012.
The main costumes are Chelsea jerseys and royal blue pants with white socks. This combination has been used since the 1960s. Club crest has been changed several times in attempts to modernize and transform imaging. The symbol is now used, which display a ceremonial lion holding a staff, is a modification of the symbol that was used in the 1950s. The average league attendance in 2011-12 season home games as much as 41,478 spectators, the sixth highest number in the Premier League.


In 1904 H.A. Mears acquires athletics stadium Stamford Bridge with the aim of transforming into a football stadium. He then planned the establishment of a new football club after the bid given to Fulham to use the stadium was rejected. Considering there has been a club named Fulham, Chelsea name which is a small town adjacent to the stadium selected as the name for the new club. Other names such as Kensington FC, Stamford Bridge FC and London FC could be considered for selection. Chelsea was founded by on March 10, 1905 at a pub The Rising Sun (now The Butchers Hook restaurant) and was first played in the Football League competition.
John Robertson the Scottish national team player was 28 years old when it was selected concurrently first Chelsea player-manager. A number of players were recruited from a variety of clubs to strengthen the team, as goalkeeper William "Fatty" Foulke from Sheffield United, Jimmy Windridge and Bob McRoberts from Small Heath, and Frank Pearson from Manchester City. Their first match occurred on 2 September 1905, an away game to face Stockport County. Chelsea lost by a score of 0-1. While their first home game was a 4-0 victory in a friendly match against Liverpool. Robertson is also the scorer of the first competitive match as Chelsea in a 1-0 win over Blackpool.
Chelsea suffered a number of promotion-degragasi in Division One and Division Two League after won promotion to Division One in their second season. Their best achievement in the early years was successfully advanced to the 1915 FA Cup final but lost to Sheffield United at Old Trafford and when ending the Division One final standings in the top three in 1920. Chelsea has a reputation for bringing the famous players and a large number of spectators, but success is still not up to them in times of World War I and II.
Former Arsenal and England striker Ted Drake became manager in 1952. Drake began to modernize the club both on and off the field. He changed the logo Chelsea pensioner, improve training and coaching a team of young people, and strengthen the depth of the team with the shrewdness to bring a number of players from the lower divisions and amateur leagues to successfully bring Chelsea won their first championship trophy, championship Division One League 1954-55. In the following season, holding UEFA champions league championships between clubs in European Champions Cup, but the disapproval authority the Football League and FA make Chelsea pulled out of the championship before it starts. Chelsea failed to build on the success and only a mid-table dwellers league in the 1950s. Drake was fired in 1961 and replaced by Tommy Docherty who concurrently player-manager.
Chelsea back into the Premier League champions 50 years later, in 2005, the term of office of manager Jose Mourinho (2004-2007), who was the full support of the national oil billionaire Russian owner, Roman Abramovich.
In the same year (2005), Chelsea also won the Carling Cup by beating Liverpool. Later in 2006, Chelsea won the Premier League. And in 2007, Chelsea also won the Carling Cup again after beating Arsenal 2-1 and won the FA Cup after beating Manchester United 1-0 through extra time.
But due to some poor performances early in the competition 2007/2008 coupled with incompatibility with the owner, Jose Mourinho has finally resigned as manager and was replaced by Avram Grants former Israel national team manager.
Beginning of period coaching Grant, many people are looking at her eye. However, Chelseas Avram Grant was able to bring to treble the runner-up in the Carling Cup before losing to Tottenham Hotspur 2-1. Followed by a runner-up Premier League under Manchester United and a runner-up in the Champions League after losing 6-5 on penalties to Manchester United. But these achievements are considered not good enough so that Grant had been fired at the end of the season.
In late January 2009, Avram Grant was replaced by Brazilian coach, Luiz Felipe Scolari. However, Scolari was also not able to give a satisfactory performance. So at the end of April 2009 suffered the same fate with Grant. Position vacant Chelsea manager was filled by the time the Russian coach, Guus Hiddink, until the end of the 2008-09 season. At the end of May, before leaving Chelsea, Guus Hiddink provide sweet memories by bringing the FA Cup fifth Chelsea.
Beginning of the 2009-10 season, Chelsea announced as the new manager Carlo Ancelotti, with the contract for 3 seasons. Directly Ancelotti guided Chelsea to win the title with the 2009 Community Shield after beating Manchester United on penalties. Victory in penalty shootout was a first for Chelsea since 1998, when Chelsea face Ipswich Town in the League Cup. At the end of the season, Chelsea won the Premier League and FA Cup, which is the first achievement in the history of Chelsea. Chelsea is also a club that managed to get a record seventh title Double marry the winner. Chelsea striker Didier Drogba managed to get the Golden Boot as the scorers with a notch 29 goals. In the final league match on May 9, 2010, Chelsea embarrass Wigan to score a landslide 8-0 with Drogba scoring 3 goals. Chelsea also scored an absolute 100% winning record against the big four EPL teams (Manchester United, Liverpool and Arsenal). In the second season, Ancelotti was sacked Chelsea in May 2011 after a 1-0 defeat of Everton in the last game of the 2010-11 season.

The Chelsea players celebrated the UEFA Champions League title for the first time in club history
At the start of the 2011-12 season, Andre Villas-Boas was appointed as coach of Chelsea. After some poor results experienced Chelsea, Villas-Boas was fired in March 2012. His assistant, Roberto Di Matteo, a former Chelsea player was appointed as the main coach ad interim. Under the direction of Di Matteo Chelsea showed impressive results successfully won the FA Cup for the seventh time and the UEFA Champions League for the first time in club history-which also became the first London club to win the title.

The Main Squad


1Bendera Republik CekoGKPetr ?ech (3rd Captain)
2Bendera SerbiaDFBranislav Ivanovi?
3Bendera InggrisDFAshley Cole
4Bendera BrasilDFDavid Luiz
6Bendera SpanyolMFOriol Romeu
7Bendera BrasilMFRamires
8Bendera InggrisMFFrank Lampard (Vice-Captain)
9Bendera SpanyolFWFernando Torres
10Bendera SpanyolMFJuan Mata
11Bendera BrasilMFOscar
12Bendera NigeriaMFJohn Obi Mikel
13Bendera NigeriaMFVictor Moses

15Bendera PerancisMFFlorent Malouda
17Bendera BelgiaMFEden Hazard
19Bendera PortugalDFPaulo Ferreira
21Bendera JermanMFMarko Marin
22Bendera InggrisGKRoss Turnbull
23Bendera InggrisFWDaniel Sturridge
24Bendera InggrisDFGary Cahill
26Bendera InggrisDFJohn Terry Kapten
28Bendera SpanyolDFCésar Azpilicueta
34Bendera InggrisDFRyan Bertrand
40Bendera PortugalGKHenrique Hilário


Chelseas highest appearance-maker is ex-captain Ron Harris, who played in 795 first-class games for the club between 1961 and 1980. This record is unlikely to be broken in the near future; Chelseas current highest appearance-maker is Frank Lampard with 561. The record for a Chelsea goalkeeper is held by Harriss contemporary, Peter Bonetti, who made 729 appearances (1959–79). With 91 caps (89 while at the club), Frank Lampard of England is Chelseas most capped international player. Bobby Tambling is Chelseas all-time top goalscorer, with 202 goals in 370 games (1959–70). Eight other players have also scored over 100 goals for Chelsea: George Hilsdon (1906–12), George Mills (1929–39), Roy Bentley (1948–56), Jimmy Greaves (1957–61), Peter Osgood (1964–74 and 1978–79), Kerry Dixon (1983–92), Frank Lampard (2001–) and Didier Drogba (2004–12). Greaves holds the record for the most goals scored in one season (43 in 1960–61). Lampard is the top scorer currently at the club with 188.
Chelseas biggest winning scoreline in a competitive match is 13–0, achieved against Jeunesse Hautcharage in the Cup Winners Cup in 1971. The clubs biggest top-flight win was an 8–0 victory against Wigan Athletic in 2010. Chelseas biggest loss was an 8–1 reverse against Wolverhampton Wanderers in 1953. Officially, Chelseas highest home attendance is 82,905 for a First Division match against Arsenal on 12 October 1935. However, an estimated crowd of over 100,000 attended afriendly match against Soviet team Dynamo Moscow on 13 November 1945. The modernisation of Stamford Bridge during the 1990s and the introduction of all-seater stands mean that neither record will be broken for the foreseeable future. The current legal capacity of Stamford Bridge is 41,837.
Along with Drogba when Chelsea FC won the UEFA Champions League 2012, after defeating Bayern Munich.
Chelsea hold the English record for the highest ever points total for a league season (95), the fewest goals conceded during a league season (15), the highest number of Premier League victories in a season (29), the highest number of clean sheets overall in a Premier League season (25) (all set during the 2004–05 season), and the most consecutive clean sheets from the start of a league season (6, set during the 2005–06 season). The clubs 21–0 aggregate victory over Jeunesse Hautcharage in the UEFA Cup Winners Cup in 1971 remains a record in European competition. Chelsea hold the record for the longest streak of unbeaten matches at home in the English top-flight, which lasted 86 matches from 20 March 2004 to 26 October 2008. They secured the record on 12 August 2007, beating the previous record of 63 matches unbeaten set by Liverpool between 1978 and 1980. Chelseas streak of eleven consecutive away league wins, set between 5 April 2008 and 6 December 2008, is also a record for the English top flight. Their £50m purchase of Fernando Torres in January 2011 is a British record transfe

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6 Pasukan elite dunia dengan latihan paling sadis

6 Pasukan elite dunia dengan latihan paling sadis

Tentara adalah salah satu perangkat terdepan dalam perlindungan negara. Hampir setiap negara memiliki pasukan khusus atau pasukan elite. Merekalah yang dipercaya
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7 Minuman Ringan yang Berefek Samping Berbahaya bagi Kita

7 Minuman Ringan yang Berefek Samping Berbahaya bagi Kita

Hallo Guys Sebelumnya Aku Pernah Posting Tentang Cara Mempercepat Koneksi Setelah Kuota Habis Itu Beneran Loh Karena dibulan ini aku dah pake MDMA itu jadi super ngebut gitu deh heheheh malah jadi ngobrolin itu udah langsung aja oke kita beri Cara Download Video PSY Gangnam Style

Kalian Tahu kan Shy  Nih Foto nya Kalo Kaga Tau..........

Dia Itu Shy Si Pembuat Gangnam Style Sorry Kalo Pencipta Itu Cuma Allah Yang Menciptakan segala heheheh........

Jadi Nih Mulai Sekarang kamu mau download mp4 GangNam Style NIh Klik

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สูตรเกมดอทเอ DOTA 2 โหมดทดสอบ Test Cheat Commands

สูตรเกมดอทเอ DOTA 2 โหมดทดสอบ Test Cheat Commands

???????????? DOTA 2 ????????? Test Cheat Commands ????????? ????????????

??????????????????????????????????? DOTA Allstars ?????? ?????????????????????????? DOTA 2 ????????? ?????????????????????????????????????? 2 ?????????? ???????????????????? TCG ???????????????????????? ???????????

????????? ?????????????????? DOTA 2
  • ????????????????????????
  • ?????? "enable cheat" ???????????? ???????????
  • ??????????????????????????

-lvlup n-lvlup 25
Levels up your hero
-levelbots n-levelbots 5
Levels up all bots
-gold n-gold 15000
Gives you gold
Resets cooldowns and gives full hp/mana
Respawns your hero
Spawns creeps instantly
Spawns neutrals instantly

Disables lane creep spawning. Use -enablecreepspawn to undo this change.
Sets timer to 0:00, creeps starts.

Gives vision for both teams. Use -normalvision to undo this change.
Kill all creeps.
Destroys all wards.

Removes cooldown, Mana cost etc. Use -unwtf to undo this change.
Displays AI status.
-timescale n

-createhero <unit_name> [enemy]-createhero npc_dota_hero_lion
-createhero npc_dota_hero_lion enemy
-createhero npc_dota_goodguys_siege

Creates specified unit [as enemy]

List 1:npc_heroes.txt
List 2: npc_units.txt
This command does not really behave the way it should. Detailshere.
-item <item_name>-item item_blink
Gives specified item

List: items.txt
-givebots <item_name>-givebots item_blink
Give all bots the specified item.

List: See above.
Displays ping time with server.


???????????????????????????? Test cheat ?????? ?????????????????????????????? ?????????? ?????????????????????? ????????????????????????????? DOTA 2 ????????????????????? ??????????????? ??????????
#???? DOTA 2 #Test Cheat Commands

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8 Alternatif Selain Adsense PPC

8 Alternatif Selain Adsense PPC

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8 Manfaat Berjalan Kaki

8 Manfaat Berjalan Kaki

Semua orang tahu bahwa olahraga sangat penting untuk menjaga kondisi tubuh dan mencegah timbulnya penyakit-penyakit berbahaya yang disebutkan oleh berat badan yang berlebih. Namun tidak semua orang rajin untuk melakukannya dengan alasan malas atau tidak punya dana untuk berlatih di gym. Nah, salah satu alternatif olah fisik yang ringan dan bisa dilakukan oleh siapa saja adalah berjalan kaki. Anda bisa melakukan olahraga ini dengan mudah dan tanpa biaya. Dengan berjalan mengelilingi kampung atau kompleks perumahan Anda misalnya. Yang tinggal di apartemen dapat juga memanfaatkan jogging track yang sudah umum disediakan sebagai fasilitas oleh pihak pengelola apartemen.
Berjalan kaki selama 30 menit dengan kecepatan rata-rata 5 km/jam sudah terbukti secara signifikan mengurangi resiko terkena penyakit diabetes, jantung, stroke, glukoma, osteoporosis, kanker, depresi, dan lain sebagainya. Sedangkan menurut penelitian, seorang wanita dengan berat badan rata-rata 65 kg, dapat membakar sekitar 111 kalori jika melangkahkan kaki selama setengah jam dengan kecepatan 5 km/jam. Lumayan, kan?
Berikut ini beberapa manfaat bagi kesehatan yang bisa kita dapat dengan berjalan kaki:
  1. Bisa mencapai dan mempertahankan berat badan ideal yang sehat. Latihan jalan mengurangi lemak tubuh, meningkatkan metabolisme, dan yang pasti, membakar kalori.
  2. Memperbaiki tekanan darah dan kadar kolesterol. Jalan rutin efektif menurunkan tekanan darah, mengurangi kolesterol jahat (LDL), dan menaikkan kadar kolesterol baik (HDL).
  3. Mengendalikan diabetes tipe-2. Dengan berjalan, tubuh akan mampu memproses gula dan menjaga berat badan yang sehat. Semuanya dapat mencegah atau bahkan mengendalikan kadar gula darah.
  4. Menurunkan resiko terkena serangan jantung dan stroke. Berjalan kaki selama 30 menit sangat bagus untuk sirkulasi darah. Dengan demikian, jantung dan pemuluh darah pun menjadi oke.
  5. Mengurangi stress dan mencegah depresi. Berjalan keliling kompleks di pagi hari sangat menyegarkan. Apalagi jika Anda bisa berlatih di sebuah taman yang indah.
  6. Badan kuat, aktif, dan sehat. Semakin usia bertambah, latihan berjalan terbukti meningkatkan stamina dan membuat Anda selalu bugar.
  7. Penelitian menunjukkan, latihan jalan bisa mengurangi rasa sakit akibat arthritis dan sakit punggung. Juga bisa mencegah osteoporosis, impotensi, sembelit, dan berbagai masalah kesehatan lainnya.
  8. Apabila dilakukan di pagi hari, bisa mendapatkan ekstra manfaat daripaparan sinar matahari.

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